Back from the “Tumbleweed Tour!”

Hi everyone!

It’s good to be home…

Katie and I are back from our first tour in a looooooong time (not to make excuses, but… in-between there were two Peace Corp terms, two babies were born, two houses purchased, and a global pandemic)…and it was A-MAZING!

We started the tour with a 12-minute drive to the First Friday Art Walk in Troutdale….what a beautiful scene! It was our longest show ever (3 hours!) and yet many folks wandered over & stayed a long time! We also got some good news that the person who booked us also recommended us to the Gresham Center for the Arts Council folks…a scene we’ve been trying to break into for awhile. It looks like they might be picking us for some shows coming up this fall!

And then Saturday we hit the road for Richland!

The Tumbleweed Music Festival was such a wonderful experience! At a lovely park along the Columbia River full of big, sprawling trees and dedicated volunteers and fellow folk musicians, we were fed body and soul. 

And at night we enjoyed the breeze and slept under the stars (and the second night in a tent… :P) at the home of our lovely volunteer hosts!

We met so many wonderful folks, got to play music music music (5 shows in 2 days!), and had some of those good, deep talks on the long drives that just don’t seem to happen in the busyness of local life. 

And…BIG NEWS…we finally decided on a band name for the two of us as a duo (this is something we’ve been trying to figure out for years…) ARE YOU READY?? Introducing…

Katie & Rachel (band)!

(New website, etc. coming soon!)

Yes, we are creative geniuses! 😛

All in all, it felt like a big weekend–our first tour in a long time, our first music festival as a duo, lots of “next step” kind of opportunities on the horizon. We are feeling filled up to bursting with gratitude. 

And for your calendars…
Fall Potential Shows/Save the Date:
*9/21/23 (not yet confirmed) Third Thursday in downtown Gresham, OR 5:30 – 8:30pm
*11/18/23 Barn Concert in Portland, OR (contact for address)

Thank you for being with us on the journey!

Warm hugs,
Katie and Rachel (band)

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